Richard Leigon
Author of a forthcoming near-death experience book.
An extraordinary death and my life therefter.
I learned in death, that there is no separation, only one divine, infinite source, which is unconditional love. This is the most powerful yet subtle force there is—a connection with no boundaries between worlds. Love touches the heart, connects all, and radiates from within to without. Boundless love is the magic of all that is. In my journey, I saw this love in the embodiment of Mother Mary.
My near-death experience book is slated for release in late 2025.

Coming in 2025
Watch for my near-death experience book in late 2025.

Watch for updates
My beautiful wife Laurrana and I will share updates on our journey here.

Start a conversation
I invite you to reach out to me directly. (702) 527-8848
To my wife, my children and my sister who experienced a sudden loss and extreme uncertainty and trauma through my death and subsequent illness. They lost—and regained—husband, father, and brother.
To my emergency room doctors, nurses, D.O.s, and the whole I.C.U. team. The E.R. can be an interdimensional portal where humans might cross over or return with a pulse and breath. It takes a special kind of doctor or nurse to work the E.R. It takes angels!
To my recovery team of doctors, D.O.s, nurses, APRNs, and physical therapists.
To the paramedic first responders who came to my home and transported me to the hospital.
Because of you, I lived to write this book.
To the life partners of those who have near-death experiences (NDEs). Without notice and without planning you lose a spouse, husband, wife, father, or mother, and you live every day knowing that it could happen again.